is a collective that hosts and (in part) maintains wikis for various fandoms on multiple languages.
No, is currently run by private individuals. We are not a company. We are planning on opening a legal entity in Germany as an "eigetragener Verein" with no profit intent.
Currently, we can still finance out of our own pockets relatively easily and are happy to do so, as it's a passion project. Once grows, this is however no longer possible.
Once this becomes the case, the ideal situation would be that we're able to fund all wikis on our wikifarm entirely through donations. If this does not work out, we will consider running a small amount of non-intrusive, privacy-friendly ads for logged-out users across our wikis.
You can read more here.
You can find a list of all wikis we host here.
In general, wikis have quite a lot of freedom. We try to interfere as little as possible with the content of wikis. However, we do have a code of conduct that wikis have to follow. You can find them here.
There are several ways to contribute to our wiki.
The most obvious way to contribute is to contribute to the wikis themselves. Every wiki has a link to information on how to contribute to them on their main page.
If you're a programmer, you can contribute to our code projects hosted on You can find more information on how to contribute here.
We're also open to other ideas on how to contribute. If you have an idea, feel free to contact us at [email protected].